How do I request a special service?

Special service policy varies from one airline to another. Some airlines charge for providing special service requests and some do it free of charge.

When you’re booking your ticket online on our site, you will be redirected to a page for entering the needed passenger information. On this page, you will be needed to give information such as your first and last name, mail, phone, date of birth and passport information. Also, you will see a blank space for writing any special service requests that you may have for the flight.

Depending on the service you choose, you will need to enter additional information. For example, if you want to bring your pet with you, you need to enter its weight with the case you’re carrying it in, the dimensions of the case and what kind of animal it is (dog, cat …).

On-flight special service

When you finish the online reservation, your request will automatically be forwarded to the airline. After receiving the confirmation of the request, we will inform you right away and send additional guidelines. If you need to make a payment in advance, we will send you payment instructions.

In case you forget to send the special service request during the online reservation, you can do it later as well. Send us an email to  with your reservation code, first and last name of the passenger, and, of course, the special service request needed – whether it is a seat, sports bag, wheelchair, pet or a special meal.

Besides sending us an email, you can also send us a message on our Facebook or  Instagram page. If you find it easier, you can also call our customer service call center. Working hours are Monday-Friday from 8 AM to 4 PM. Call us on +382 68 380048

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