How to cancel an airline ticket?

How can you cancel an airline ticket?

In case you are unable to use the airline ticket for any reason, please notify us site by sending e-mail.

We will check with the airline whether the cancellation of the ticket is possible and under what conditions. Also, if the company allows, you may be able to change the flight date.

How to cancel a flight ticket?

The first step is to let us know about the cancellation intentions. You can do that by sending us an email or sending us a direct message to our Facebook page. There is an option of calling our call center, but you will have to write a written request for cancellation either way. This is very important for your safety (so someone else wouldn’t cancel your flight without you knowing). For canceling the ticket by an email, this is the information that will be needed:

  • first and last name of the passenger whose ticket is getting canceled
  • reservation code
  • electronic ticket number
  • which flight segment you are canceling (whether the whole ticket or just the return flight)

It is required that the email is sent from the same email address used to purchase the airline ticket.

We will check the terms of the fare and if it is possible to cancel the airline ticket. We will mail you the amount approved by the airline for a refund. If this is alright with you, we will be waiting for a written confirmation from you, we will cancel the flight and start the refund process.


There are two ways you can get a refund. If you paid with your Visa or Master card when making the online purchase, your money will be refunded there. Pay attention to the following – the funds will be on the card account, not in your transfer account. It is not possible to make a payment to the transfer account of the natural or legal person.

In case you’ve conducted the payment as a legal person in a bank it is necessary that you provide us with an account so we can deposit your funds.

If the payment is made by a legal entity, a refund is made to the account of that company. It is not possible to make a refund to an individual.

Published by
Milena Krstic