What is booking confirmation?

Booking confirmation

You will receive booking confirmation by an e-mail, once you have successfully booked flight ticket on our site. It is very important that you read mail well and check all the information is correct and this is what you want to buy.

What does a booking confirmation contain?

At the very beginning you have a welcome text outlining the restrictions of the airline which you choose to fly, if there are any.

Flight details

  • date and time of arrival or departure
  • departure and arrival destination
  • flight number, airline name and flight duration
  • if it is not a direct flight, information of the landing break duration and at which airport you are changing the plane

Passenger information

  • name and surname (please note that it must be identical to the one on the passport. If the passport contains letter Đ in the reservation it will be written D. Do not enter the DJ if it is in the passport Đ)
  • gender
  • date of birth
  • passport information (if the airline requires this information for the destination where you are traveling)booking-confirmation-potvrda-rezervacije


Booking confirmation for special services

This segment contains information about the amount of baggage which is allowed, as well as a list of additional services that you requested when booking online.

Method of payment

Here you will find payment instructions if you choose to pay by bank account or information about a successful transaction if you paid with a Visa or Master  card.

In case you have choose to pay through company account, with a confirmation mail you will also receive pre- invoice based on payment information.

Abago Customer Support

If you have not yet purchased an airline ticket, we suggest you to visit the following link where you can also book preferred flight.

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You can also contact us via Viber on +38268380048.
