Before doing the online ticket booking, we suggest you inform yourself and find out if a vaccine is needed for some possible diseases/illnesses. This especially applies to countries that acquire a vaccination before entering or some tropical destinations.
We recommend that you get health insurance before traveling. You can do this with a licensed insurance company for the whole period of your stay. If you want travel insurance, please send us a request via email to or a message via Facebook or Instagram.
Vaccines against yellow fever are required for countries where the disease is present or for countries that want to prevent the virus from being imported. Vaccination is required before traveling to Saudi Arabia for pilgrims to Mecca and Medina.
It is recommended that you receive the flu, hepatitis A, and meningococcal meningitis vaccine. Also, you should protect yourself from rabies, polio, hepatitis B, measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), varicella. There are also diphtheria and tetanus vaccines, typhoid fever, etc. This vaccination may be recommended after a risk assessment, but is not required to enter a country.
Whatever the reason for the trip, there is always a degree of risk. Crowds, long waits and sudden changes in life habits can result in a decrease in the body’s natural resistance. Climate and time zone changes can also have a bad effect.
For many travelers, these changes cause functional disorders such as nausea, digestive problems, nausea, insomnia etc.