How can I carry my musical instrument and my bike on an airplane?

biciklYou need to follow the simple procedure to carry a musical instrument and bike on an airplane. These groups include the transfer of the following items:

  • sports equipment (golf, skiing, diving, fishing, etc.)
  • bicycle
  • excess luggage (+ 32kg)
  • musical instruments

If you have an active reservation or purchased an airline ticket and wish to bring with you some of the above equipment, please contact web site. They will contact the airline on your behalf and forward your request to them.

Cost to carry a musical instrument and bike on an airplane by plane

muzicki-instrumentTransferring a musical instrument with most airlines requires you to pay additional fees. Sometimes the price can also be as an additional airfare. If the instrument is large, the seat to the passenger on the plane is purchased.

Please always contact us on time as regards the above items, as each airline has its own rules and special baggage allowance.

Some companies allow transportation in the trunk of the aircraft, but the instrument must be properly packed. The airline is not responsible for damages.

